If you've been arrested and charged with a crime, your first concern is to secure release from jail as you await your court or trial date. Even if bail is granted, you may still face the hurdle of raising and paying the bail amount in full. Thankfully, you can generally get a bail bond.

Here's what to know about what a bail bond is, how it works, and your options for getting one. 

What Is A Bail Bond And How Does It Work?

A bail bond is a type of surety bond that allows you to post bail that you can't afford at the time of your arrest. The bail bond amount can vary dramatically depending on several factors, including your employment situation, social status, past criminal record, and the severity of the criminal charge you're currently facing.

Once the bail amount is set, the bail bondsman (bail bonds company) posts the full amount with the court on your behalf and requires you to pay them a percentage of that amount, which serves as a nonrefundable service charge. 

They will also require you to present the property title of your house, jewelry, or other items of value to act as collateral against the guarantee. Your bail bond collateral will be returned to you after making all required court appearances and complying with the terms and conditions of your release.

Can Your Attorney Post Bail On Your Behalf?

Yes, your attorney can post bail on your behalf but you should first confirm that they're licensed and authorized to write bail bonds for residents of your local county. An attorney bond works pretty much the same way as a standard bail bond. However, it can have some far-reaching implications for your court case.

The attorney holding your bond will be involved in your case, so you should choose one that you want on your legal team. When you let an attorney handle your bail, your entire case will be streamlined from start to finish.

Plus, an attorney can let you settle part of your legal representation fees using the standard non-refundable amount that you pay them when they post bail on your behalf. This can help you save money on the cost of legal representation.

Facing criminal charges can be mentally exhausting and financially demanding, but the right bail bondsman can help ensure your quick release from jail as you plan how you'll defend yourself in court.

Get in touch with a local bail bondsman to learn more.
