If you have already made the big decision to file for bankruptcy, you should know that the most difficult part of the bankruptcy process is probably over for you. With this action, you can get immediate relief from creditors, work to keep some of your property from foreclosure and repossession and begin fresh with a clean slate. If you are living in fear of your only bankruptcy-related public experience, don't be. This little meeting is a quick and easy affair and will be over before you know it. Read on for more information about what to expect during your creditor's meeting. 

Your creditor's meeting: The name of this appearance can be somewhat misleading since very few creditors ever appear there. Instead, your bankruptcy trustee will preside over your case and perhaps 49 other cases during the morning or afternoon time slot. You can help cut down on the stress factor by knowing exactly where to go, where to park and what to bring with you ahead of time. You will be informed of the details of this meeting by mail, and speak with your bankruptcy attorney if you have questions.

How things work: These meetings are not nearly as formal or as intimidating as having to appear before a judge in a courtroom. You and the others will be seated, and names will be called, one by one, in alphabetical order. By the time your turn comes, you will have a good idea of what to expect and will see for yourself how simple things will be. So that you know, here are some common questions filers are asked by the trustee once they stand and are sworn in:

  • Is this your signature on the bankruptcy forms?
  • Do you understand what you've signed and attest to the truthfulness of the forms?
  • Have you ever declared bankruptcy before?
  • Have you filed and paid your federal taxes yet?

When creditors do show up. While their appearances are rare, it pays to know what might happen ahead of time. Your attorney will be able to let you about any appearances and why they are there. Some potential reasons for a creditor to appear are:

1. They want to question you about recent credit card use. You cannot use your credit card without regard in the months prior to your filing, and large amounts charged may be disputed.


2. You are reaffirming a loan. In some cases, you may be allowed to keep the property, like a car, if you agree to keep making payments as agreed.

Talk with your bankruptcy attorney to learn more.
